AVP in
The Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) is a network of independent not-for-profit
grass-roots volunteer groups offering experiential workshops on creative conflict
transformation in prisons, schools, and the wider community. The Help Increase
the Peace (HIP) Program is an adaptation of AVP for schools.
These workshops empower individuals to liberate themselves and others from the
burden of violence. The fundamental belief of AVP is that there is a power for peace
and good in everyone, and that this power has the ability to transform violence.
AVP builds on a spiritual basis of respecting and caring for self and others.
Calendar of AVP Workshops
for AVP(Canberra)
to enquire about their workshops.
The Canberra AVP group has restarted.
If you are interested in joining the AVP group in Canberra,
please contact avpcanberra@avp.org.au
If you are interested in doing an AVP workshop in Canberra,
please contact canberraworkshops@avp.org.au
Participants from Canberra are welcome at Sydney workshops.
The Sydney venue is in Auburn in western Sydney.
It is close to train stations and bus routes.
For workshop reservations, contact the Workshop Registrar
at sydneyworkshops@avp.org.au
For queries about AVP, phone (02) 9449-8415
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current as at November 2019
Last Updated 17/11/19
- Contact the workshop contact person nominated in the calendar above
or the workshop registrar listed below
to confirm the dates and status of proposed workshops,
and to make bookings.
- Find out more about the Basic and Advanced
AVP Workshops.
AVP Workshop Contacts
for AVP(Canberra)
Email: Workshop and General Enquiries:
AVP workshops have resumed
in Canberra.
Please make contact if you are
interested in AVP workshops
in Canberra.
current as at November 2019
Last Updated 17/11/19